Car Troubles…

So last night Bebo and I decided to have a lil’ adventure. We filled my hatchback with all the pillows and blankets we could find, loaded in our laptop and movie selection, rolled down the windows (due to such nice weather here), and got ready for our makeshift drive-in. We had no intentions of leaving the car until morning came.

Little did we know car troubles were at bay. Around 4 am this morning, Bebo woke shivering like a freight train. I hopped in the front and stuck the key in the ignition. Nothing. Nada. Not even a click. My question is, why? How did I have battery at 10 pm and by 4 am my car was completely dead? Any gear heads out there have an idea?

Tanks to the help of my moms boyfriend though, we are up and running again. For now….

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