Twin Telepathy

Samantha had the full head of hair.

Samantha had the full head of hair.

You all know me, but somebody you don’t know is my sister. More specifically, my twin sister, Samantha. She and I are fraternal, complete polar opposites. She’s the shy tomboy and I consider myself the more outgoing girly girl. I like make-up, she prefers animals. I go to parties while she stays home. At 20 years old, we couldn’t be more different.

....and he still had more hair...

….and she still had more hair…

Does this mean we don’t share a connection? definitely not. I love her and she loves me. We are best friends. Maybe it was a coincidence when we had a telepathy episode, or maybe it was just that twin telepathy. I’ll let you be the judge..

Samantha and Me

Samantha and Me

Last year, about this same time, my sister and I were both showing signs of pregnancy; morning sickness, heightened smell, weird cravings, the whole nine yards. I was not even aware yet that she was going through this. I went to work that morning, felt perfectly fine. Thirty minutes in to my shift, I blacked out and hit my head on the wall. My charge nurse (I was working as a CNA) helped me gain my composure. She did her routine question: have you ate? yes, are you nauseous? no, and so on til’ she threw me a curve ball – Are you pregnant? umm pause, think, no? I wasn’t sure. Finally the decision came for me to head home, my mom picked my up. She was frantic and simply a hot mess. She shot me the same questions as my charge nurse. I gave her all the same answers.

We finally got back to my house and my mom was pacing. This was clearly a lot to tae on for her and we didn’t even know the answer to the golden question. It would explain a lot though. Finally, I got her calmed down and relaxed when the phone rang. I just knew it wasn’t good. A call from both daughters, a recipe for disaster. Only it wasn’t a call. We both received a picture message, from Sam.

The two of us a couple of weeks ago.

The two of us a couple of weeks ago.

I don’t think you could describe the picture as subtle by any means. No,not Sam, she forward us both a picture of not one, but 4 pregnancy tests. All reading positive. I doubted it. All of it. Two sisters, twins, pregnant at the same time? Not possible, I hoped.

We finally got mom to finish hyperventilating, made doctor appointments, and waited for the next morning to come. We got to the appointments and pee on those golden sticks. My results? negative. Samantha? Positive. (hence Aneiha).

So why was I having all the symptoms? I wasn’t pregnant. We all boiled it down to twin telepathy. We share such a close bond that I shared her pregnancy symptoms with her. Now some people may not believe, and some will. What I wanna know, is what do you believe? Is twin telepathy legit?